Digital Marketing Introduction

  • Digital marketing basic
  • Benefits of digital marketing
  • What all is include in digital marketing
  • Organic Traffic and In organic traffic
  • What is website
  • Whats is web pages
  • What is URL

Here we would discuss all advance topic of SEO as mentioned below.

Website Architecture

  • Whats is website and webpages
  • Whats is landing page
  • How search engine works
  • What is Slug or URL
  • What is SERP
  • Difference between onpage SEO & OFF Page SEO
  • What is crawler
  • How web page indexing is done

Keyword Research

  • How find right keyword
  • Keyword competition
  • Dividing keyword for related pages
  • Creating Keyword Mapping File
  • Keyword Difficulty
  • Difference between short tail long tail keyword
  • How to check keyword position in SERP
  • Keyword CPC

Meta Tags

  • Meta Title Tags
  • How to write effective Title Tags According to page
  • Meta Description
  • NoIndex Meta Tag & Meta Nofollow Tag
  • Open Graph Meta Tag
  • Language Meta Tag
  • Mobile Responsive Meta Tag
  • Google Verification Meta Tag
  • Bing Verification Meta Tag
  • Other verification Tag

Canonical Tag

  • What is canonical?
  • Why use canonical tag?
  • Cross canonical
  • Cross domain canonical

Content Optimization

  • Heading Tags
  • Content Flow according to title
  • Content brainstorming
  • Keyword Density
  • Keyword Stuffing
  • What is LSI?
  • Latent Semantic Index Keyword Finding
  • Duplicate Content Check
  • Spin Content Check
  • Internal Links
  • Internal Link Optimization
  • Anchor Text
  • Pharase keyword
  • Placing image in content
  • Image Alternate Tag
  • Type of Image can be used in content

301 Redirection

  • Non www to www redirection or www to non www
  • http to https redirection
  • Understanding .htaccess file
  • Single URL redirection
  • Domain Redirection

Other On Page Topics

  • Breadcrumb in SEO
  • Website Speed Checking
  • Website Speed optimization
  • Mobile Responsive check
  • What is dead link?
  • 404 Page


  • Whats is robots.txt file?
  • How create robots.txt file
  • How block search engine or unblock page from crawling via robots.txt
  • How to block any directory
  • how access any portion of content from blocked directory
  • Good robots vs Bad robots
  • robots.txt tester


  • Difference between .xml sitemap and .html sitemap
  • Static sitemap and dynamic sitemap
  • Submitting sitemap to google search console
  • Submitting sitemap to bing webmaster
  • Sitemap generator

Search Console

  • Adding website to google search console
  • Submitting sitemap
  • Fixing Indexing error
  • Understanding performence section
  • Core Web Vitials
  • URL Removal from SERP
  • Fixing 404 Page
  • robots.txt tester
  • Crawling request
  • Preffered target country set up
  • Access management in google search console

Structured Data

  • What is schema?
  • How create schema tag?
  • Json Generator
  • Different types of schema
  • How to implement schema
  • Schema data testing tool


  • Understing HTML
  • Head, Body in HTML
  • Popular HTML Tags
  • Creating HTML Webpages
  • Order List
  • Unorder List
  • Anchor Tag
  • Image Tag
  • Basic of CSS
  • Understanding Java script file
  • How to do seo of static website

Local SEO

  • What is local SEO
  • Adding buisness to google map
  • Google my buisness
  • Claiming listing
  • What is NAP in local SEO
  • Listing optimization
  • Business listing access management
  • Local listing on other website
  • Do & Dont’s in Local SEO


  • Benefits of blogging
  • Complete SEO
  • Google Adsense Account Guidelines
  • How to post blog
  • Niche selection
  • WordPress


  • WordPress Installation
  • Slug & Permalinks
  • Yoast SEO
  • Redirection in WordPress
  • Theme Installation
  • Plugins
  • Widgets
  • Woocommerce
  • Product Attribute
  • Simple & Variable Product
  • Blogging in WordPress
  • Theme customization as per theme setting
  • Elementor

Private Website

  • How to buy domain?
  • How to buy hosting?
  • Changing DNS
  • Email set up on hosting
  • WordPress Installation in hosting
  • HTML Static installation on hosting
  • Redirecting domain


  • What is back link?
  • Domain Authority
  • Page Authority
  • Private Blog Network
  • Toxic Links
  • Theme based links
  • Types of domain
  • Disvaow back link
  • Competitor analysis
  • Google Sandbox

Google Penguine Alogorithm

  • Penguine Guidelines
  • What is bad link
  • Penguine recovery

Link building methods

  • Guest posting
  • Profile creation
  • Blog commenting
  • Web 2.0
  • Two Tier Architecture Links
  • Classified Submission
  • Press Release
  • Social book marketing
  • Forum submission
  • Article submission

Project Planning

  • Creating work report
  • Creating backlink plan


  • ahref
  • semrush
  • Ubersuggest
  • Screaming frog
  • Woorank
  • Copyscape
  • Facebook Ads Introduction
  • Facebook Buisness manager set up
  • Facebook Buisness manager Ad account vs personal ad account
  • Facebook Buisness manager setting access to facebook ad account
  • Creating Ad account
  • Ad account setting
  • Understanding Facebook pixel
  • Pixel set up
  • Facebook Event set up
  • Facebook conversion set up
  • Facebook audience set up

Facebook Ads Campaign

  • Traffic campaign
  • Lead generation campaign
  • App Installs campaign
  • Video Views campaign
  • Messenger Ads
  • Engagement
    • Page Likes
    • Post Engagement
    • Offer Claims
    • Event Responses

Facebook Shopping Ads & Remarketing

  • Setting up catalog
  • catalog conversion campaign
  • Product set in facebook ads
  • Conversion campaign

In search engine marketing course conducted by experts from Surat best digital marketing institute.

  • Introduction to google ads
  • Set Up the First Campaign
  • Ad campaign level setting
  • Understanding keyword in google ads
  • Setting up google ads copies
  • Create Ads
  • Google Ads Dashboard
  • Tools and Settings
  • Campaign Optimization
  • Shopping ads
  • Google Merchant center
  • Shopping ads remarketing

What all you would be able to do?

  • Making and access management of google ads
  • Understanding of campaign structure
  • Set up the first campaign structure
  • Add relevant audience, set bids and budgets and targeting
  • ad groups
  • Create impressive and relevant ads
  • Google Ads Dashboard navigation
  • Tools and Settings available on Google Ads
  • Optimize ad campaigns to generate conversions
  • One Training certificate from our institute
  • Google Analytics Certification
  • Internship certificatte
  • Woorank Certification
  • Semrush certificate
  • Fiverr Certification
  • Creating impressive profile
  • How to execute the deal
  • How to get first project on freelancer portal

Most trusted Digital Marketing Course institute in Surat which covers all the module that is required to be digital marketing professional. One can easily boost website traffic by this method and can promote their product online. Right from SEO Training, Social Media Marketing Training, WordPress Training etc. We have it all for our students.